I keep getting a warm sensation one just one side of my body. Almost like the way CT contrast feels only this is located on just one side. Mostly in my hip and buttocks on the left side. It only lasts a few minutes and then it moves on. Both of my legs feel very sore and tight. Almost like a lactic acid build up in my thighs with my knees, calves and feet aching. The hot feeling just moved again, but now it’s on the right side of my neck? I have been dizzy all day and just haven’t felt very well. That being said I did just have an ASD closer in my heart about 2 weeks ago so I don’t expect to feel great. I did have a stroke in July and have a history of TIAs, but the closer was done to take care of those. I have had numerous MRIs, CTs and labs done. So far nothing new has been found and the closer was still in place. I’m feeling pretty hopeless about finding answers and being active again. Oh, I forgot to mention that I’m 37. Any insight is extremely welcome.