I recently had surgery on a abcessed bartholins gland, & had a word cath for 4 wks. Cath was removed & the pain from the abcess is gone, though now after just a few hours of doing anything (housework, exercise, etc) I had a pressure feeling on the labia majora all the way to anus directly under the skin (same side as abcess) it appears to be a vein of some sort. It is bumpy on the inner labia & hard to the touch on the outer side. I am only 31 years old & don't feel like I should has to stop to rest after only a few hours of work, though the pain is forcing me to. =( I have 3 kids (vaginal births, full term.. with my 3rd pregnancy I had vein issues in the same spot) My last pap was normal & it was only a few months ago, never had a std, had a trans/vag ultrasound which showed one large cyct on my left ovary but was told it is nothing to be concerned about. I have been researching this issuse on my own & feel like I'm never going to find a solution to this. PLEASE HELP.