For the past few months (around 6-8), I've been having this feeling of 'fog' in my head. I've been a LOT more clumsy in the past year or so (don't know whether or not this is serious, but I've been noticing it), I feel like I'm disconnected from my actions, and I've been getting severe and long-lasting UTI's. (These were all treated, with antibiotics, and have been recurring even with medication.)
I've also had periods where my brain has an intense 'pressure' and 'throbbing' feeling, and this feeling lasts for days. I'm not stressed, I'm not angry, etc... I also cannot recall recent events (things from the morning, the day before)- only certain things come and go.
I also have recurring pelvic and general muscle pain to the point where I'm taking tylenol and sitting in a bath, relaxing, trying not to think about it--and it's still the worst pain I've ever felt. The pain comes with fever, a feeling of nausea, and lightheadedness. I also have a VERY irregular sleeping pattern (4 am to 9) that I can't seem to shake off, even with a full day of work and exercise and socializing.
The thing that worries me the most, however, is this feeling of 'brain shivers.' It really feels like someone is shocking my brain for a second or two. These episodes come and go...
I also have a problem with getting warm/getting cooled down. (Temperatures seem off?)
Most Important Things:
- constant UTI's, even with antibiotics, and a negative result for anything with urine samples
- 'head' problems: memory, throbbing headache, etc
- general fatigue, tiredness/sleeping problems
- muscle weakness (general and gradual loss of muscle strength)
- gradual blur of vision (even with new glasses that are about a year old, headaches from squinting are still present)
- bladder problems (i've been suffering with a lack of control in urination, a 'wetting of the pants' has happened over a dozen times, even when a few steps from the washroom-i don't feel it coming until a few seconds before it happens, i've also peed blood on an occasion)
- extreme discomfort in heat