I am a 25 year old female. I got a mirena coil fitted in jan and since then I have had constant thrush like symptons where I feel swollen itchy and sometimes have discharge. A month before getting the coil I had a really bad case of thrush and was checked for stis which came back clear. Since then my labia have become extremely sore and irritated and have enlarged, they are tender to touch and feel as if I have cuts in that area. My labia has changed shape they have become more raggy looking and now protude past my labia minora, they are very itchy. The skin around my clitoros area has also changed looking more wrinkled in appearance and and there seems to be more skin now. The whole vulva area has changed dramatically in shape. I have seen 7 doctors and a gynacologist. I got prescribed betnovate cream which helps a little with the burning sensation. I have tried creams like sudocrem, vagisil and thrush cream with no effect. The gyn said they can't do anything other than me getting labiaplasty surgery which I can't afford but they dnt advise it as I don't know how I will heal. I have also stopped using perfumed soaps and washing my underwear in detergant to see if was a reaction with no effect. The past couple of months I have developed a tingling sensation. Mainly on the right side of my labia minora and majora. At present I cannot participate in sports, drive or walk long distances as my labia minora constantly rub and cause a lot of pain. Please help!