1 month ago, I fell, small fracture in my Fiblia, but, severe nerve pain down my leg into my ankle and foot. I have no ins, and the ER Dr. wrapped it, told me not to walk on it (and, I haven't), and to see an Orthopedic Dr. They said there was no break in my foot or ankle. I've been waiting for an OK to see someone at UAB hosp in Birmingham, but it hasn't been approved yet. The small fracture doesn't bother me at all, but, my ankle and foot are still extremely swollen, almost twice the size of my other foot, and now it has started turning red and getting warm to the touch! I'm starting to get worried, but the ER is expensive and they told me there was nothing they could do when I injured it. Now, a month later, the swelling is worse than ever. Is this a concern that an ER Dr. could address, and should I be concerned enough to try? I'm not getting any help from anyone, and don't know when or if I'll be approved to see an Orthopedic. Thank you.