General Health Questions & Answers

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4 1 0 days ago
I am 6 4 , very skinny (150 lbs), 20 years old, and cannot gain weight no matter what I do. This is not the problem though, just a little background to it. My problem is that i always feel tired and exhausted. No matter how much sleep I get I always find myself feeling drained very soon in the...
5 1 0 days ago
I fell at 5pm, march 20th. I went to the hospital by 6:30pm, got many x-ray and a cat scan w/out contrast. I spoke with the lay in charge of the er at the 1st hospital, she told me I have acute fractures, left side, 6th-10th ribs, displacement of 7th & 8th ribs, resulting in hemopneumothorax on...
4 1 0 days ago
I recently saw my family doctor for a check up due to my brother being diagnosed with a fib. During my EKG it showed an abnormality. My doctor said it appears to be a AV block and referred me to a cardiologist which I see in a few weeks. My symptoms I have been experiencing lately are when I am...
4 1 0 days ago
I ve had pain in my lower bottom ribs. Starts from the front and also is sore on my side ribs so moving in bed is uncomfortable. Pain is dull and doesnt seem to be affected my breathing deeply but ribs do hurt if I cough or blow my nose or stretch or simply touching my ribcage. It doesnt hurt all...
5 1 0 days ago
sir my son 15 month suffering from fever as doctor suggested Ziprax-100 dry syrup. but sir when we give him syruo for 5-6 hrs there is no fever but again he suffering from same. we blood test but all are negative, is it viral fever sir & how many days it took. Can we admit him in any childrens...
4 1 0 days ago
I have a pain in the left side of my neck above my collar bone, and when i flex my neck i can feel the spot that hurts and it feels like either muscles or veins. And it hurts a lot more when i flex or breath through my nose hard Oh and fuck you for setting me up to where i have to pay. Thanks a...
4 1 0 days ago
I am diabetic for nearly 20 years. My sugar levels are normally under control with metformin 500 mg bds & glimpride 1 mg bds. However levels are disturbed due to irregularities during travel, being 205 at 8 pm today. Daily brisk walk 40/50 minutes. Suggestions for modifying medicine and diet.
5 1 0 days ago
hi my name is sana and my father has about 8 spots on his liver on his medical report out I found out that they are called liver lesions I would like to know what they are? how they can be cured? what cause then? and will my father be ok? also just before we found that he had these spots he had...
4 1 0 days ago
Dr. Presently I am taking Losartan Potassium 50mg daily and Amlodipine Besylate 5mg daily, to control my high blood pressure. I was just given Lisinopril 10mg instead of Losartan Potassium to take with my Amlodipine. Does this sound right, given the data above? Maybe the MG are confusing me? I...
4 1 0 days ago
I have pretty regular bilateral, inappropriate reflex actions that vary in timing and amplitude. Hit one knee cap with a doctor s rubber hammer and both knees jerk up together or sometimes all four extremities jerk together if only one is tapped. I also have both types of tremors in both arms...
5 1 0 days ago
hi! i am a 26 year old male who has been smoking poppers- (pot and tobacco mixed) from a water bong for about 4 years now. i have noticed that i cough up a lot of black mucus in the last year or so, and i am a bit concerned. i hit around 4-6 bowls a day. i know its bad and need to stop and am...
4 1 0 days ago
i have pain in my little finger at the joint, I was sorting my garage and kinda jammed my little finger. Now its been almost a week and my ring finger is now aching. I took 2 advil earlier, but not much relief, just took 3 advil now and am placed heat on my wrist. Is heat right ? And is there an...
4 1 0 days ago
2 days ago I took Milk of Magnesium to use the bathroom, but it didn t work. I really didn t need it, but I m a bulimic...been this way 21 yrs. and I had been trying to keep food down for the past week or so. I felt that I had over ate, and I didn t want to throw up so instead I took to full...
4 1 0 days ago
I have being taking a low dose of Norethisterone daily for 25 days, but it has exacerbated all of my pms symptoms, including headache, migraine, stomach upset,72 hour colds, constipation, mood swings, night flashes, poor sleep etc I have now stopped it. I am awaiting a hysterectomy due to...
4 1 0 days ago
been for the last three weeks having bad migraines on my right temple of my head and they make my eyes so sensitive to light and my head sensitive to noise. I get the migraines like that at least 4-5 times a day also causing nausea and blackouts and dizziness, and just recently started getting...
5 1 0 days ago
I have morning nausea, inability to eat many foods I used to eat, cannot eat gluten, lost 8lbs in 3 weeks withoutr ecxcersie ( don t exercise regularly due to fatigue)have daily joint pain, headaches, lack of motivation afternoon to evening ( fatigue) , cold hands & feet and have just had my...
4 1 3 days ago
I haven t had intercourse in over a year. No health problems other than endometriosis. Im on the nuvaring and have no periods to help with that. Lately, every time I masterbate with my clit only, I bleed excessively for half the day. Not sure if I need to see an OBGYN or not..?
4 1 3 days ago
I am a housekeeper I had a 2 1/2 tumor removed 9 years ago. I did surgery and radiation. I had to go back to work 6 months later. Had problems with left shoulder. My back also got fried from radiation. My right hand started hurting real bad went all up from hand to neck. I had surgery on my hand....
5 1 3 days ago
Hello, I fell off a motor bike about 2 and a bit weeks ago and injured my right foot/ankle. It was swollen for a few days and I could walk fairly normally after about a week. I also have a gash about the size of a quarter on the bottom of my foot, near the outer edge. I am now getting numbness in...
4 1 3 days ago
i have been having sharp, acute pain in my rectum. Sometimes its a shooting pain & sometimes its a dull lingering pain. Either way , a lot of pain. No bleeding , no pain when i have a bowel movement. Hurts to walk or lift leg & picking up stuff. Can you help, please?
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