17 yr old female. (menes since 10 yrs old) Birth control started Feb. 2014 to help on periods & pain.
On Sept. 9, 2014 started complaining of right side abdomen hurting & being nausea. Sept. 10, had appt with Chiropractor; SEPT.11-2014: took her to Farmville Centra Hosp ER throwing up ALOT. (had only eaten crackers all day) Took X-ray & cat scan. Gave her Tramadol & Ondansetron (Zofran) 4mg. days later through a Vag. utlrasound, found 2 cyscts- 1 on each ovary. she has been hurting since SEPT 9TH******HAS NOT LET UP....
ON OCT. 20- taken to St. Francis Hosp ER: found had a bladder infection. given 3 day antibodies & hydrocodone.
Appt. with Dr. G. Martin GI Dr-VCU on Oct.29. 10-30 Ultrasound of gallbladder & liver-NOrmal.
She is nausea & -OR throws up everytime after eating. Diet now:yogurt, applesauce, toast, fruit, rice, soup, soft foods, veggies - SHE is a 4 year VEGATARIEN (& had eaten some chicken earlier in Sept.??)
She is constipated- BM is either really dry or diarrehea--hurts & burns.After BM temporary relief on abdomen, but pressure returns... its just temp. after eating starts hurting again\ Every time after Eating will Burp, and either/OR baby barf, or vomit stomach bile & acid.
Bladder feels like its not emptying & there is pressure.
Please someone HELP my child........she has been hurting since SEPT. 9, 2014 2 DAMN MONTHS.