2 weeks ago my lips started to feel very chapped and the bottom lip tingled a little bit. My 64 yr old mother has fought with fever blisters/cold sores all her life but this was the 1st time I thought I was getting one. I am 39. I took her prescribed version of Valtrex 2x a day, then once a day for a week. I also used her lysine lip ointment for 2 days. After using the lysine stuff, I woke up the 3rd day with my lips severely swollen, very red and chapped and they started to blister and scab, like a got a horrible sunburn. I could feel them pulsating. I stopped using both of these products and just started using vaseline lip therapy, assuming I had a reaction to the Lysine. After a week, my lips got better and seemed almost healed. I didn't wear any makeup the entire time. I finally work makeup (and not very much) 4 days ago, then last night. I woke up this morning and it's started all over again. The blistering is worse on and under my bottom lip. They feel like they're on fire and keep scabbing, peeling, then scabbing over again. The swelling seems worse first thing in the morning and late a night. I don't know what to do and cannot figure out anything else different that I've been using. No change in laundry detergent, no kissing anybody, no new lipstick or face moisturizer. Any advice?? Is it time for me to go see a doctor?