2yr old Boy Healthy - Jumped off Lounge approx (2 ft) 2hrs ago - unwitnessed. Came into room and he was Crying uncontrollably on the floor and I was unable to settle him for about 30mins which is extremely out of character. Even after large laceration child has been able to settle after a few minutes. Only information I got from 6yr old brother who was near him at the time of injury was that he smacked his L leg on the firm edge of lounge. Child is now unable to weight bare for more than one step, then, wimpers in pain and stops. Nil swelling or bruising, Good colour, warmth, Cap refil <2, Full ROM, no pain on passive/active manipulation, no pain on palpation and unable to localise where pain is coming from. Child now perfectly content and crawling around lounge. continued to attempt weight bare with same result. ?#