53 yr old fem w/ long-time RA and suddenly emergent 3rd Stage Parkinsons. Went to the ER with an upper abdominal injury. The stress doubled my PD symptoms, and the doc ran a drug screen - completely clean - offered me xanax, ignored the *multiple* seizures I had while in the ER - which included 10-15 minutes of complete incapacity -- and tossed me, after telling me that I was just anxious and should take xanax. That was last night. Currently I'm having 2-3 hour cyclic pains in lower abdomen followed by upper right quadrant abdominal numbness that spreads across the entire abdomen, which then becomes very warm while I get cold, shaky and disoriented. Anything kidney related has been ruled out, no other tests were done. I'm lying here thinking that I'm bleeding out into my belly. How do I convince a doctor not to allow difficulty communicating verbally and my active PD symptoms to distract them from my impending death? Can you give me a verbal script to follow?