7 days with fever now. 1st 3 days spent diarrhea explosive, and throwing up all stomach meds. Diarrhea slowed and vomiting stopped. Food taste like something putrid and only wrapping pepto Bizmal around food would keep it down following diarrhea. While stomach feels as though it could burst from agony. I have lost weight, i am 162 pounds and 6'3" tall. My stomach is thin but rattles all day in pain and feels like puppies under a blanket. I have never been this dehydrated and I am at 7500 ft altitude. I am from Louisiana and here in Colorado the water seems great. I HAVE had Montezuma's REVENGE, that is over quickly, 48 hours at most, but tomorrow will be 8 days with this, I'VE HAD HIGH FEVER, enough to know a bird did not fly across the back of the room seen only in the mirror in front of me. Hi fever, relentless stomach ache, food tastes putrid. I can barely go from the bathroom to the bed, but have driven into town today near Ft. Collins. Very weak.
What could this be?