70 year old ,diabetic ,undergoing radiation for breast cancer,has pace maker and on warfarin. she has what we call spells, they start by her saying her throat bothers her , then she gets a headache, goes way out there, confusion, not remembering,much of anything,[her b-day],sometimes i could swear she is having a stroke,actually i still think they are mini strokes has been diagnosed with syncope before,all doctors say the catscans all look okay.and they don't know why this is happening contiuously. she does get fluids often because she easily dehydrated. I have finally got her oncologist to refer her to a neuroligist . her last trip tothe hospital for these symptoms her sodium level was 131 so they said that this was the problem. oncologist says it isn't low enough to cause this,but it can if it was lower. HELP, these episodes are wearing us both out.