A spot developed on the inside of my lower left leg below the calf out of nowhere. It grew to the size of a dime very quickly, within a week. Was reddish/brownish and became scaly, does not itch, is not painful. I wouldn't even know it was there other than by site. It is somewhat oval in shape although is not clearly demarcated. The scaliness has since gone away and it seems to be lighter in color with some small slightly darker spots within and around it. It does not seem to be getting any larger. I had a basal cell removed from my arm a couple months ago, this looks nothing like that but the sudden appearance an fast growth has me concerned. I have no history of excema or any other skin disorders. Hate to go to the dermatologist if it's nothing other than some random, temporary skin "thing". Any thoughts? 58 yr old female .... Thank you!