About 2.5 years ago I had a gall bladder removal. I suffer pain in the stomach and have been taking Nexium, but not everyday.
the last couple of weeks I have been having pain in my stomach (upper) area like someone has punched me in the stomach. I am also very bloated. It seems the only way I can get some (not all) relief is to simply NOT EAT. I probably do this about once a week. My weight is good and constant and I eat a varied and healthy diet as I live in the country so eat basically a 1950's type diet, with the exception of meat which I don't eat much of. I prefer to eat fish (salmon, fresh or canned). I drink tea with almond milk. I am lactos intolerant. I have also developed some rashes on my forearms and top of my hands and a rash in my hair, although it is not very much I am still very concerned. I was taking Endep and this controlled my gastritis as I am a bit of a stress junky, but since I have been off it I have been unwell.