After a PSA level of 22 and biopsies confirming prostate cancer I have had a radical prostatectomy. Prostate biopsy revealed gleason: 4/3, tertiary 5, cancer present in seminal vesicle and minuscule amount in one lymph node, positive surgical margins, extracapsular extensions.
When my .o2 p.s.a level started increasing we started radiation when my p.s.a. reached 0.14.
Lowest p.s.a reached .07 in September last year. Now p.s.a. is .34.
Everything I have found online about survival rates for advanced cancer seems to take into account finding prostate cancer in bones or elsewhere. Because of the salvage radiation I am assuming whatever is causing this increase in p.s.a is no longer regional. With a p.s.a at only .34 I am assuming it is still very microscopic at this stage. Do you agree? Will his doctor say he is probably at Stage 4, D2?