After being advised that I have AF, I have in consequence been scripted as a warfarin patient. For the last 18 months my bladder has been purged with chronic attacks of clotted blood that invade my system at regular intervals. Repeated medication of Profloxin has become repeatedly less effective. Liver-sized clots have passed through my urethra. Many and various procedures have been tried and blood tests taken, ad nauseam, but help little to benefit my condition, other than to remind me that the bladder inflammation is benign and not cancer related.
I am convinced that these symptoms are Warfarin-based, and on 08/10 I discontinued my Warfarin dosage. This action totally eliminated all clots as my urine returned to normal colour and intensity.
As most, if not all, anti-coagulants have been associated with near- identical symptoms, I would be glad to hear your comments on the use of cardio-disprin as an anti-coagulant as I am unable to afford any expensive solution. Age-wise, I am about to enter my 82nd year. Ronald Ross