An year back I was diagnosed with High BP, 140/100 and was prescribed Asomex 1.25mg daily 1 tablet, 6 months down the line BP did not come down so the medication was raised to Asomex 2.5 mg . Subsequently BP came down to 130/90, but now, 1 year later lower BP is not coming down below 90. It stays betweem 90-95 (diastolic ) . Yesterday the dosage was increased to Asomex 5 mg daily 1 tablet (after dinner) . Apart from this my Doctor has prescribe 1 no Natrilix table dialy after breakfast, since last 3 months. Since my present Doctor is not very communicative, so my worry is, will this increase in dosage (I mean Natrilix 1 tablet daily, Asomex 5mg dialy 1 tablet ) harm me with any other side effects . Is this dosage fine to have without affecting my health in any other way in future ?