Approx 1-2 hours after dinner, began feeling slightly upset stomach during sex. Had eaten fully, but not to excess. 1 glass red wine consumed just before & during meal. Relaxed, went to sleep in sittingnposition to aid digestion, awoke 1 hour later fine, went back to sleep normal horizontal side position. Awoje suddenly 1-2 hours later, burning throat with taste of stomach acid, nausea, chills. Difficukt to relax breathi g due to (prior ailment) nasal congestion, sharp coughing agitated by throat dryness and butprning, and slight pre-vomiting spasming. Tried to induce vomiting in lavatory but unable to bring anything up. Worried about damaging esophagus from acid plus further inducing vomiting. Chewed a throat lozenge with cracked ice to ease burning in throat and lessen coughing, relaxed in sitting position, took dose of liquid Mylanta (generic). Gradually relaxed and slept. Awoke with slightly unsettled stomach, throat paim continuing to abate, now almost gone. Am in good shape, slender 54 years old no meds or conditions. Worried as have ne er awakened withnsuch a severe reaction at night. Just passed a normal stool, so don't think food poisoning. Had very weak coffee with milk, bread, now peppermint herb tea.