Been referred to mayo clinic in e coast and live in west coast. Told by multiple doctors no one willing to take on complex case. They sighted systemic disease ... Symptoms have progressed overtime and now more debilitating. I can barely move in the morning. The symptoms are so similar to so many diseases . No one has come up w anything and have done X-rays, Mri , stool test, blood etc . For yrs I tried to get doctors to listen I was not well but they ignored and referred me to shrink. Yrs later I finally found dr who heard my cries for help and found out I had hypothyroidism , malnutrition , FM, Interstitial cystitis and later Hydradenitis supperativa. Almost every three yrs I have new symptoms. What type of dr should I be looking for for proper diagnosis before it is too late . I am losing ROM, gait off , swelling of multiple joints, tingling, numbness and redness . My hands and feet swell with heat and excercise . I have seen rheumatologist so, neurologists and even cardiovascular doctors with no results . They cannot find anything yet doctors confirm observations ..