Blind in one eye due to sudden trauma - saw Ophthalmologist, he says I need to see an Neuro - Ophthalmologist. Time to time my vision returns, when I can see it is gray smear or smoke and / or when I see objects, can't see it, only white outlines; there's other issues = but the problem is, in a massive Metro area where I live there isn't any Neuro-Opthalmogists; nearest one who treats this is nearly 5,000+ miles away. I'm having my reservations what this might be to begin with unfortunately there's no second choice option, he's the only well respected Ophthalmologist Surgeon in this area - he's frustrated too because since end of May, none of us has any other options - is it possible that one can be found under another "practice"? While might be this primarily, may or also sees - patients (e.g. other specialties) - if so what other Medical Profession field can I look for? Thanks!