Can a 15 year old girl have a heart attack even if she had 3 tests on heart three or so months ago? I suffer with anxiety and recently had a cold I think or a flu, well I had a sudden dry cough after basketball practice and I couldnt stop for a long time, no fever no sore throat.. so I went to the doctors the next day she checked my oxygen levels, my heart pulse and blood pressure, my lungs and my weight well everything seemed normal. Days of laying in bed and alawys stressing about conditions I might have and that I took too much medicine or stressing about drinking my cough syrup and milk
Update 2: So after stressing about that I have no idea from where I saw or I think I say like little small balck spots flying around and started stressing if its heart related, so I think later in the evening I think I had like heart grasps couple times and then it let go so after that I started stressing what if something is wrong with my heart? so I have like these weird little pains in my left side chest like on top of my chest and its like sharp zap pains sometimes thay apear in my left leg..
Update 3: or sometimes even my right arm and commonly my left scapula nad like left side of my neck, so when I stress out which is like all day I have these weird heart papilations and now i have weird pain that is staying in the middle like 4 fingers away from my belly button pain, I also feel very dizzy and like weird in head also I have sometimes muscle twiches.. It has been lasting like 5-7 days and I recently played basketball and I seem fine once playing.
Update 4: I checked my heart three months or so ago and the doctor said that Im super health and have nothing to worry about but I still am scared...