Can you help me figure out what's been wrong with my sinus's for the last 10 years? It's progressively gotten worse and I've seen at least seven ENT's who haven't helped.
My nose is plugged, hot, and red about 90% of the time.
I can’t breathe through it, or let my glasses sit on my nose for more than a few minutes at a time.
When I cry my nose doesn’t run, it gets more plugged and hot.
I never get sinus infections or colds and I’m not allergic to anything.
If I touch my nose, bend over, stay in a hot dry room, use my heater or defroster, or eat hot soup, my nose flares up and plugs and turns very red. It feels swollen inside and I feel like it's nerve related.
My eyes are blurry and achy all the time and my tear ducts feel swollen.
My voice is raspy and I feel like I can’t swallow very much at one time.
I’ve been told I have Rosacea, I don’t have a rash, but I do flush sometimes.
I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis but normal blood work for about 10 years. I have a small bulge in the front of my neck. Could this be my whole problem?
I have Raynaud’s phenomenon and my fingers turn white in the summer as well as the winter. When my nose is stuffed and burning, my fingers are swollen and burning too.
My right ear drum has torn twice with no injury or known cause. I had surgery once about two years ago, and about a year and a half later it tore again.
A cat scan of my sinus's was normal.
Thank you sincerely, Sue