Chief complaints: excessive sweating with slight activity becoming dripping wet; flushed face, neck, chest for no apparent reason; rapid pulse; sudden weight gain despite decreased appetite; increased fatigue; early evening headache and flu-like symptoms. Note: over 25yrs have had episodes of intense, rapid heartbeat infrequently, all but two lasting <10min and relieved by deep breathing and/or fluids. History: 58yo, female, degenerative disc disease L & C-spine. Former downhill skier, race car driver, corp. exec. Ages 50-54 heavy, daily physical activity as furniture builder and rock landscaper; sidelined by Strep-B infection, contracted after swimming in lake, attacked L-spine, requiring 2 spine surgeries, 6mos daily IV antibiotic infusions, 2yr recovery. Have consulted medical professional without success. How serious is this? Thank you.