Hi, my baby is 5 months old, 3 1/2 months adjusted. She has been on prevacid, but is not currently taking any medication. She has stopped pooping without help for the past 4 weeks. When she does poop, it is soft, so she isn t constipated but she is obviously uncomfortable and strains to poop but nothing happens. Today she had not pooped for 6 days... FYI she is breastfed.... So I gave her a small suppository. The other times I have done this, within 5 minutes she had a bm, but today she cried for hours and didn t have a bm for 3 hours. When she did, it was runny, dark yellow with white cottage cheese/egg shell looking particles in it. Also it smelled terrible, which is kinda unusual for her! The other diapers that she had after 5 days without pooping did not smell this bad!! Could she have a dairy allergy and that is why she has white chunks and unable to poop?