Hello, I am a 62 year old female, Judy is my name. I got hurt on my job in 2004 and my pain management tells me I can t be fixed since 2004 I have numerous MRI scans,,shots in the spine lower, I have had lots of opinion. I have no use of my back,both legs plus they have me seeing a pyschcolgist for my major depression that they can,t control. Medicines since 2004 were vicodine for 4or 5 yrs.musle relaxor ,10 yrs or more of Morphine I work for 23 years for this company. I ask Dr. Reddy over and over and he keeps telling me he can t do nothing more then a pain pump which I don t want. I have a Rod and pecacles screws, Rod ting unit which didn t work, it would vibrating in personal areas which was very uncomfortable. they had a lad that builds the unit and she told me that the unit wasn t for me cause of my back injury and she advice to take it out. They Coureplace tinge 3 times before they took it out. DEPRESSED AND CONFUSED AND DON T KNOW WHAT TO DO. FORGOT TO TELL YOU I SLIPPED AT WORK ON SHAKE MIX AND WENT UP IN THE AIR AND CAME DOWN ON A METAL TABLE STRAIGHT INTO LOWER BACK AND NOW THEY ARE TELLING ME ALOT OF MY DISC ARE FALLING APART . ANF MY PARCHMENT BONE IS TOTALLYDAMAGE AND I HAD A dR cURT IN dAYTON ,Ohio HE ATE THAT BILL BECAUSE bwc REFUSED TO PAY FOR IT.