Hello Dr. my 19 and a half son had a terrible mobile accident one and a half years ago (when he was 18) which triggered his epilepsy, partial during the day and sometimes grandmal in the very early hours of the morning. He s been on Depakine Chrono 500mg for about 9 months now, initially one tablet twice a day and then 4 months ago one tablet in the day and 2 before bedtime. The side effects noticed are, lethargy, thinning of hair, trembling hands, mood swings….. He refuses to take medication since a week now and we ve replaced it with herbal antidepressant. Is it safe to immediately stop Depakine? During this week he s suffered twice from grandmal and occasionally some partial ones in the day…. (some triggers noticed are: even a couple of puffs of cigarette, low/moderate consumption of alcohol, very late bedtimes 2-5am! He s pretty stubborn and refuses to strictly go by the books. Need help! Thanks