Hello. I am a teenage girl who started menstruating 4 years ago and am struggling from extremely heavy, never-ending periods. When I innitialy began, my period was irregular (ranging from every other week to every other month). The duration of my bleeding period is about 2 months on average! This is driving me insane, I cannot function. I was told by a doctor that this is normal teenage Hormonal imbalance and should fix itself after a year or two. I have tried everything from Ibiprofin pills to stop the bleeding due to their blood clotting ability, to iron and vitamin b12. Currently I am on my 74th day of continuous bleeding, but I have no female family member to take me to a doctor. Perhaps if I eat eggs everyday the progesterone will stop my misery? I beg anyone with an ounce of humanity to help me, this is such a terrible fate to suffer from. I have no one to turn to for advice and I fear dying from blood loss. How do I stop this?!?!