I had my implanon removed on 11/4/2014 after 2.5 years of having it, and a new one was replaced. My husband and I decided very quickly that we wanted to try to conceive so I had the new one removed on 12/8/14. My period stopped very quickly after my first implanon was inserted and did not come back at all while on the implanon, not even break through spotting. My first period after implanon removal started on 12/18/14 and lasted about 5 days. It was a normal flow. I started using OPKs and got my first positive on 12/27/14. My husband and I had unprotected sex 3 days before expected ovulation. On 1/4/15 I started having mild cramps, some lower abdominal tugging, and mild lower backaches, and a few hours later I had a small amount of pink spotting. The past few days I have been very bloated, and I feel pressure in my lower abdomen. I have decreased appetite and I m very fatigued. It s too early to take a pregnancy test but could I be pregnant?