My friend just started using crystal for over 2 months first on and off and now more common. She s constanly asking me on what she feels is normal or could it be something else. Im tired of her assuming I know how to help her so I came here to find answers. She Been using birth control for a year recently January she switched to a new medical office brand. took every pill as she says and got her period for only 3 days but, the next 4 days nothing at all. Maybe 3 days after the 7 day period she got white mucus discharge with a slight of blood for 2 days. then 2 days later found dark brown mixed with little red discharge on her underwear & and when wiped for 3 days. Also, during this time she was treated with strep throat and was on that medication. Ever since then she has said she felt most signs of pregency being weak, feeling need to pee all the time, nightmares, increase of acne, moodiness, little pains in back. right now she on the week before her period and she got the usual cramps and feeling like period gonna start like always but tjis time she says it feels different and more pressure in center of tummy? So I can t tell if those if these sytomps are drug side effects, birth control, or pregency or just a uti Or just her mind false advertising her?