6 years ago i had a vaginal herpes outbreak. every 6 months i get tested for HSV 1 & 2 and every time it comes back as HSV1 ...in the last six years i've had three or four MINOR outbreaks. like two or three blisters and only after really wearing my body down (heavy drinking, sun, lack of hygiene). in the last two years my habits are completely changed. i work out, sleep, eat correctly, drink on rare occassion, no sun as it is winter. i started taking a high intensity kickboxing class two weeks ago. about four days ago i noticed a small bump like a pimple on my clitoral hood. it was sensitive in the way that poking your clitoris would feel. then it became more noticeable throughout my day. i finally took a look with a magnifiying mirror and can see very little yellow bumps and it's more of a burning sensation. is this an outbreak or could it be from my work out? dirty pants and underwear or my sheets or something?