Currently I'm having issues with muscle spasms, facial paresthesia and neck pain.
I went to the ER when I experienced what they called a "Globus Sensation" in my neck, with pain. This radiated through my jaw into my cheek as a burning sensation that then became cold and numb for afew hours. They chalked it up to anxiety after blood tests and an ECG.
I saw my doctor about this and was prescribed Cipralex for GAD and Ativan PRN.
Two and a half weeks ago I developed muscle spasms and fasciculations which was listed as a side effect for Cipralex. I tapered for a week but the spasms got worse after discontinuing. I saw the ER doctor again when this interfered with sleep. Again, blood tests and electrolytes were clear.
The neck pain was still present at this time but was far from my primary concern I can hear grinding when moving my head in certain directions and my muscles in my neck feel very stiff, but without the pain that normally comes with stiffness.
The spasms are bilateral and occured primarily on the face, my legs, and my traps. I have muscular discomfort in my left arm leading up to my trapezoids as well. I have a reoccurring headache every day, and I have a mild chronic cough that is painless and sporadic, but produces phlegm and have had it for about a month. Occasionally I felt numbness or tingling in my fingers or toes, but not recently. I also have regular diarrhea, am 220 lbs (at 5'6"), not diabetic, nor do I have any STD's. I manage my anxiety with exercise at the moment and no longer feel anxious.
When the spasms got worse I saw the ER again (3rd time). They did a CT of my brain and it came back nominal. As well as all the bloodwork.
Last night the top of my right forehead became weak, in that it was difficult to move, but I _could_ still move it. Smiling was even, and I could furrow my brow despite it being difficult to do so. This occured for four hours. No other weakness or signs of stroke were present at this time.
Today I woke up with crackling when breathing that dissipated after activity and I can no longer reproduce it. My neck is still in pain and stiff, and I still get spasms. Everything else seems to be transient at the moment, save the cough. I have no shortness of breath.
Please help me. Nobody has any idea what's going on.