Dating scan at 10.3 weeks ,estimate, not 100 per cent sure, to see empty gestation sack mean of 24mm , confused as been getting bigger only just in the last few weeks , they have more unless said i had a miscarriage , but i still have to come back in a week time because of sack sized ,nhs guidlines there not running any blood test for pregnancy level and took my notes off me which more or less tells me there conting it as a miscarriage ,i had to phone up to get sack mm as they didn't give them to me nor told me how many week the sack size is i had to look this up myself , should i get my blood checked?, i had no bleeding , they blames me getting bigger due to putting on weight but it quite obvious i look pregnant and it firm and round not fat and my boobs are hard and sore still ,also does it matter if bladder is full when tran.v.scan is done ? as mine was full ? so told me i need to empty but it wasnt it was totally full and she carried on anyways ...