Dear Doctor,
I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high chloresterol, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, microvascular disease of the heart, and was recently diagnosed with microvascular disease of the brain. I also have osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine, both hips, and both knees. I am on Medicare. The diabetes, hypertension and high chloresterol are being controlled with medication and diet. My last A1C was 6.5. I am experiencing right side weakness. My neurologist believes that I have had a number of mini strokes. My biggest problem is my husband needs a full time caregiver. He has two massive strokes, coronary disease, spinal stenosis, and can not walk independently without a walker or my help. What can I do to improve my health? My doctors do not seem to understand my husband's needs and seem to suggest we move in with relatives, which is not an option. None of our relatives live near our doctors or even have space for us. Please help me!!!