Dear Sir!
I got Jaundice one Month ago with LFT's:
ALT = 2770
ALP = 700
Bilirubin = 3
After 2 weeks (Eating fruits & Juices only), my LFT's were:
ALT = 600
ALP = 650
Bilirubin = 10.3
Now 2 days ago, with same diet, my LFT's & other results are:
ALT = 59 , (<42)
ALP = 600 , (<280)
Bilirubin = 3.5 , (<1.1)
INR = 1.1
Serum Albumin = 4.5 , (<4.6)
My weight has been reduced to 5.5 Kg in Last 30 days.
can i start some diet now ?? as i am feeling much weakness now ??
Why my ALP is not reducing??