Dear Sir,
Past history: IBS patient, High blood pressure, I am suffering by acidity & gas problem from January'16. On march'16 I have reviewed by family physician and continued some medicines then NODON H also prescribe for b/p on July again reviewed and reported high cholesterol, SGPT 75. Then I have purchases Prelipid- at 1pm after foor & belifix at night after food tablets for 2 months. From October I have lost my waight 7-8 kg and now feeling week. Now total cholesterol is 185, Muscle pain is there in different parts in my body. Again prescribed for colospa x, Clospa etc. Feeling of Burning at feet and back (lower in kidney) from last month. Right chest (particular rib) pain to push chest by finger. But acidity and stomach up sate is there like before. Now I am very slim. Also not taking any medicine for B/P as per my doctor as continusly my BP is down (110/70, 100/60, 110/80, 110/75 like this. Now to get normal what should I do?