Dear sir,
My name is Misha Quazim Menhdi. I am very poor. I can afford medicines. Just give basic medication. I live in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. I cannot shift to any other place. When I was going out of the bathroom, one scolopendra subspinipes dehanni went inside me through my anus. This scolopendra subspinipes dehanni got stuck into my anus from inside and it grew feeding on me till it got matured enough to produce new ones. Now this scolopendra subspinipes dehanni got multiplied into many scolopendra subspinipes dehanni centipede. Scolopendra subspinipes dehanni centipedes are inside my body from head to toe. I can feel them moving all over inside my body. I am suffering from this disease from 1 year 5 month.
I am dying slowly and slowly. Please help me for God's sake. I used papaya, meat, paracetamol tablet to kill and remove them from my body but my effort failed. My physical appearance is same since birth. Tell medicines so that I can recover from this disease. Just give basic medication. I will check whether the medicines are available in India or not.
I will be highly obliged for the same.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Misha Quazim Menhdi