Dearest Dr;
I’m a male, 58, (look like 40), who maintain a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables and some chicken, (turkey or fish), take daily digestive enzymes, probiotics and drink alkaline water. I don’t smoke, drink alcohol (only socially), or consume processed foods, starches, coffee, sugars, nor drink soda beverages either.
*) Last year, I was diagnosed with a Macro-Adenoma (bigger-benign Pituitary tumor), through an MRI test. I have severe loss of libido, lost interest on sex, very poor or no erections, critically low levels of (regular and free) testosterone (blood test result show 159, when minimum is 250).
*) Levels of Prolactin show only 10 points above normal, therefore is NOT considered a Prolactinoma.
*) Bone Density test shows: “Osteopenia” (condition before Osteoporosis) affected on L3, L4 & L5 (lumbar vertebras).
(Since my diagnosis, I’ve incorporated baking soda in water, to maintain an alkaline system).
*) I have an enlarged prostate with PSA levels of 9 (4 is the max).
*) High blood pressure levels (150/98 or higher VERY often).
Tried different several herbal prostate formulas with Saw Palmetto, Beta Sitosterol etc, but I immediately noticed a small “lump” (hard tissue) growing inside my right nipple. The moment I stop, it disappears.
*) I also have a “one-inch” Hiatal Hernia (sliding), diagnosed around 7 years ago.
I’ve had digestive issues since childhood, taking a toll mainly in my intestines.
Very often right after I eat a meal, I feel sluggish and EXTREMELY sleepy, so much so, I would fall asleep “without realizing it” (even though I take digestive enzymes).
Please note the following MENTALS & EMOTIONALS, to help you narrow down the right remedy selection:
One of the main symptoms is mental and emotional “immobility”, as if “chained-up”. Since few years back, I started to feel diminished and scared like a little boy, to make any decisions.
*) Emotional instability
*) Severe problem in making decisions. I feel as if I stuck between two things I can’t decide! *) Insecure. *) Easily startled and/or scared. *) Rapid emotional changes *) Very poor memory and concentration. Unable to retain a sentence I just finished reading. *) Impaired judgment *) Reduced alertness *) Personality & behavior changes. *) Very difficult to focus on one thing and quickly jump onto another one without finishing ANY task I’ve started. *) Doubting my masculinity at times (due to very low testosterone levels???).
My intention is to avoid this surgery since I’ve personally met several people with similar condition, that they’re now need to be on hormonal meds for the rest of their lives, or others had to have their Pituitary gland entirely removed, due to radiation treatments a while after they’ve had the surgery .
I've recently tried the Banerji protocol (Ruta Grav. & Calc. Phosp) and my tumor grew even 1cm bigger and I stopped immediately!
I thank you very much in advance for letting me know the right remedies and how to take them!
Kindest Regards.
Luis Medina.