I was recently diagnosed with asthma (in March). I use Symbicort twice a day everyday plus I have a rescue inhaler. I ve had several days where I haven t felt well due to attacks that have put me down for a day or two at times. Then on Friday morning, May 10, 2013, I was getting ready for a Dr. s appointment & began feeling extremely dizzy. I couldn t hold my head up and felt like I was going to pass out. I started to feel nausea along with being dizzy. I ended up in Urgent Care and was put on an I.V. I couldn t sit up or hold my head up at all, even feeling dizzy while laying down. The Dr. did a blood test and said everything looked fine and my oxygen level was at 100% He said he believed I had a virus of some sort....not knowing what type of virus, then gave me meds for nausea. Two days later (Sunday) I felt the same symptoms. Then Wednesday I was dizzy before I got out of bed and remained dizzy until about 8pm. Today,Thursday, I had pressure in my lungs & felt like maybe an asthma attack was coming. I ended throwing up right after I felt the pressure. My family thinks I should see a specialist since things haven t been going so well since March concerning my health. I ve been feeling very tired and feeling sluggish even after a full nights sleep. I m emotionally and physically spent & don t know why this is happening.