Diagnosed with prostate cancer...doing my research...been to radiation oncologist, urologist, and Urologic oncologist...Gleason score is a 6, and 2 areas of Biopsy showed a 10% of total biopsy length, and one area shoed a 1 % The areas were A, B, and E respectively. A area was LLB prostatic Adenocarcinoma, Grade group 1. Area B was E, LB, and LLA... what does all this mean as far as a stage of cancer?Rest of prostate was Benign in remainder of organ.. Left side only has cancer, but further biopsy may change that...Considering Robotic Prostatectomy, or active surveillance. Healthy, low weight, 61 years old with ED, and occasional prostatitis. PSA was 4.95, and a month later 4.49. will repeat PSA at end of March.. considering active surveillance..opinions? thanks