Do you think I am anemic? How likely is it that I am?
My mom was anemic when she was younger and I believe I am too.
I often have headaches, leg cramps, and irregular heartbeat during my soccer games. I know it sounds funny because I am exercising but it is a super fast heartbeat that makes me instantly nervous and I have to stop to try and control it (which I am never able to).
I am pettite
I weigh 102 lbs. and am 18 years old.
I have a fraturnal twin sister who weighs around 130 lbs.
Irregular periods. I never know when it's gonna come .
But when I am on my period, it lasts for weeks. My first menstrual cycle lasted 3 months.
I am always COLD. Hands and toes especially cold!
And when I am, my teeth chatter and my body begins to tense up as I shake. Which hurts my body. I feel like I'm in pain.
I love salty foods. Not candy.
I now have eczema because of my dry skin, and constantly itch.
Very weak to sight of blood, get faint.
Yellow hands when I'm cold.