can fresh garlic and aged garlic supplements cause lower platelets-in 2006 my platelet count was 258,10 years later in december of 2014 the platelet count was 169-which means that over a period of 9 years my platelets have decreased by 89- i have also had type 2 diabetes since 2006-could it be the result of the garlic intake or my diabetes or cirrhosis of the liver- i am not an alcoholc, i only drink a maximum of 10 alciholic drinks per year on special occasions, but i do consume 2 tablespoons of vinegar a day-i used to drink 4 ounces of red wine a day from 2006-2011. since 2011 i stopped drinking red wine completely, because i now have gout since 2011. My concern is that if my platelets continue to decrease at the same rate, in another 10 years my platelet count would be 80 which i know is a dangerously low level.