Hello doc,me and my girlfriend had sex on 16 january 2015.Right after we did it,she took combination pill microgynon 4x1 using yuzpe method.but then we miss to eat another pill for next 12 hours,she took 24 hours later on same regimen.we continued this for 4 days because we're so scared.on the 4th days we changed to postinor-2,ate 2 pill.
Her last 3 month period is 11 okt,11nov,16des 2014 and we had sex 16 jan2015
Its been 5 days and she havent got period yet.shes going to eat another 2pill postinor for a next 12 hours.
What happen,is it because she took combination pill and her period changes or what?is it safe day when we did it(considering her cycles sometimes changes).were so scared thanks you
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