Drove for 11hours in car with just a few stops for New years eve.
Got sick and a lung pneumonia. Lumbal back pain was present but though it was because of high body temperature and fever. One month later, lumbal back pain is present. 4 days ago it started to get more severe, its pain when going to sleep, when waking up, when sitting down(its not sharp umbearable pain) its rather very dull maybe sharp if i bend a lot. Pain started to move "to the left" and now i get a weird feeling in me left leg(half of lefr lemght, kinda pulsating) no pill could help ease the pain
Went to doctor, she did mobility tests and said Lasègue test or Lazarević's sign) positive.
Received first day of( diclofenak, bensedin and dexasone) (3 day therapy) kinda helped on first day but now pain is still present when getting in bed. I have a x-ray RTG of a LS Spine (frond and side) still waiting for radiologyst report but i want second opinion