Back Pain Questions & Answers

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2 1 Mon, 4 Nov 2024
I have a pressure feeling in my back on the right side of spine at about the T3-T4 area and on the right front/side on the edge of the pectoralis about half way down. Neck feels throbbing sensation. No apparent shortness of breath or dizziness. Throbbing and pressure more noticeable when taking...
2 1 Thu, 3 Oct 2024
Hi, I’ve have lower back pain over the last few weeks mainly around the bottom of my spine area and over the last few days I’ve been getting a sudden sharp pain in my anus, and when I press my fingers into my abdomen area, about 4 inches under my belly button it feels very tender and sore? Just...
2 1 Thu, 3 Oct 2024
I am 75 and lifted a heavy trash bag which I had to drag out of trash container. Next day I had such a pain in my lower back and into my hip that I couldn t put any weight on the left leg nor could I stand up straight. What can I do to relieve the pain?
2 1 Tue, 3 Sep 2024
Hello Drs I am diagnosed with HCV, I feel radiated upper back pain and always feel accumulation of gas especially when i eat acidic substance like raw mangos, lemon, fried food etc and i also feel like some painless layer of something that is right under my right breast, This has now lasted for 6...
2 1 Tue, 3 Sep 2024
ive been suffering acute back pain and prescribed anti inflammatory meds and zapain however the pain when it flares up is excruciating but my doctor does not seem to sympathise or believe that a stronger medication is needed. is this right ? ive tried pain management clinics and other routes, i...
2 1 Tue, 3 Sep 2024
Hi my girlfriend has recently been telling me that her back has been getting a sharp pain especially when getting out of bed. Distance new after she got off work today and she is screaming bloody murder. I don t know what to do. Should i call an EMT? She says not to.
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Hi Doctor Could you please advise me on what to do for tummy bloating. I have tried several medications and exercises but nothing seems to work, I also experience some pain on the left lower side of both my back and tummy (like and infection sensation) What can I do?
2 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
my lower back is hurting for the past 3 or 4 days, nothing unbearable, but pretty uncomfortable. today i also noticed a purplish line going from my asshole to the top of the buttcrack. is it anything concerning? i m freaking out at the moment, because all the information i could find on the...
2 1 Wed, 27 Dec 2023
Hi, 23 y/o female, having constant, localized low back pain in Right iliac crest region along with mild swelling for 3 days. No history of trauma, fall any heavy exercise or activity. Pain started suddenly when i was lying on bed 3 days back. What should I do?
2 1 Thu, 21 Dec 2023
Hi I have Pain is worse at rest, with deep inhale of breath, pain is also worse at night. When pain is worse it s always a sharp stabbing pain in the same region, especially when I m resting or laying down the pain is worse. The muscles surrounding the area I believe are inflamed because of the...
2 1 Thu, 30 Nov 2023
Hi, 23 y/o female, having constant, localized low back pain in Right iliac crest region along with mild swelling for 3 days. No history of trauma, fall any heavy exercise or activity. Pain started suddenly when i was lying on bed 3 days back. What should I do?
2 1 Thu, 2 Nov 2023
Hi, I am facing back pain and weakness for the past few days. Some months back I faced food poisoning also and that led me to the hospital. And for back pain some months ago I was facing horrible back pain due to which I am unable to walk also for some days. I want to know what should I do now. I...
2 1 Thu, 26 Oct 2023
Hi I m hving severe lower back pain from Feb. Doctors said I m hving slipped diskL5 L4 L3 . Surgery is not possible due to I am over weight . Given injection to the spine with Gel inserting. But I can t stand and do by daily routine . Dr said no climbing stairs, but I do once a day 2 times coz my...
2 1 Sat, 2 Sep 2023
I have been suffering from increasingly frequent and severe middle left back pain, worse when lying down. Epigastric discomfort, particularly after eating, nausea, and unpredictable bowels. I’m also completely exhausted. Restless legs at nights. Should I be concerned?
2 1 Sat, 2 Sep 2023
my back hurts so much but its only in a little part on the upper left part of my back closer to the centre. it hurts more or less dependjng on my posture. ive tried massaging and calming creams and the pain hasnt stopped since yesterday night, its 5:39 am, what do i do please?? im scared
3 2 Mon, 27 Feb 2023
I have severe lower back pain that flares up if I am constipated, releave my bowels, stand for more than 10 mimutes, walk for more than 20 minutes I have always had constipation and take calcium magnesium daily for that. I ve been bleeding.. after relieving my bowels my lower back feels inflamed....
2 1 Sat, 31 Dec 2022
I have a burning pain and tenderness in the middle of my low back that goes to the right side that started yesterday. It s extremely tender to the touch. It feels like it is in the soft tissues. Today it has extended to intermittent burning pain in my right hip and right groin area. I do not...
2 1 Sat, 31 Dec 2022
I had a cortisone injection to day between 5-6 vertebra to release information for back pain under shoulder blade and post Shingles in left hand leaving me with post pain, swelling numbness. Is it alright to take a 2.5mg Xanax to help me sleep? for got to ask the doctor after injection.
2 1 Tue, 20 Dec 2022
Hello, I have been having upper back pain to the immediate left of my spine behind lungs for about 4 weeks now. My doctor ordered an xray which showed Thoracolumbar levoscoliosis. I am now going to get an MRI. But my question is my back hurts worse minutes after I eat or drink anything. Are these...
2 1 Tue, 20 Dec 2022
Hello doctor, my age is 50 now last 10 years I am suffering from lumber and cervical spondylosis .My D3 and B12 is absolutely upto the mark recently frequently I am facing problemof neck pain now it is worst than before.. Doctor I do my all activities but cant bend my neck forward nor beckward....