During the last 45 days or so, I have gained approximately 15 pounds. My eating habits have not changed, and my physical activity has actually increased a little with the warmer weather. Along with the weight gain I also am experiencing nausea, severe joint and muscle pains throughout my entire body, as well as headaches (sinus and migraines). I have been recently been diagnosed with fibromayalgia, some arthritis, and carpal tunnel. I also am currently recovering from cellulitis and an absess due to a staff infection of the wrist, and was put on Keflex (sp)? and am recovering nicely.
My current medications I am taking include gabapentin, Cymbalta, Vivance, and omeprazole. I also take trazadone, Ambien, cyclobenzaprine and hydroxazine on an as needed basis. I take a multi vitamin, vit B complex, vit D3, L-Theanine, L-carnitine, magnesium and Niacin on a daily basis, and Tylenol and ibuprophen almost daily. I am very concerned about my recent weight gain and have had my thyroid checked, which I was told was normal. Do you have any idea what else could be causing this weight gain and constant muscle and joint pain, along with nausea. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.