Elisabeth Kuhnert Germany living in remote area in Northindia. I do some help here- A young woman in the age of 23 got before 2 days the bloodtest:TLC: 9100. DLC:P80,L17, E03.
SHE got before 1 1/2 year like open pimple on some parts of her body, no bubble. She has no pain anywhere only about her body itching. She ask me for help and because here are NO Dr, or no good Dr. nearby I have taken her to a famous Skin Dr, in a big city. 1 day driving to come there, Hotel and back. He has not talk much, he did no bloodtest. He has given to her different medicine.
Because there is no any changing after 4 visits there and changing medicine her father sterted fighting now with my trustee and with this to me- He has ordered that she stop that medicine - she feel very sick some days- and has send her to an Herbal Dr, nearby who has ordered the 2 Pos. in a bloodtest only. He has told her she has NO good blood but not the reason and has given medicine-
All are talking now about her big sickness and so on. She dring dirty water and is also not much clean. Only few people here has a filter because of me.
I hope you can give some informations to me.
What can be the reason,? bacteria or virus in her body and that it need long to find out ?
Thanks for your help
Elisabeth Kuhnert
living the most time of the year in Kuling Village, Northindia
I pay for some poor students the education also