Emergency if 8y after Lasik, eye hurts on n off when waking up/after exercise?
Is it an absolute urgency (go immediately to the emergency room - it's 2:17am) if 8 years after Lasik, always after intense exercise, my right eye (which always felt like it had an air bubble after surgery and seemed to be painfully "sucked" by the eyelid at times) is hurting on and off the last few weeks, gets kind of red and blurry for distance and kind of improves back? I'm also seeing some floaters, no terribly so, but I do, and saw as if my eye was a lens falling for a microssecond but it got back quickly. It stopped hurting now. I also have been waking up with pain in the front part of the exterior layer of this eye.
I took 20-30ml of blood from my veins to lower my blood pressure, right now, which helped stop the pain in my tempora and eye.
These symptoms are happening right now, but I just got the floaters and no pain anymore now.