End of May I had an operation on an aortic aneurysm. In September, following the operation, a blood test showed a high calcium level. To verify, I just had another blood test and my doctor has ordered another for mid December + a 24 hr urine sample. She thinks the cause of the high level of calcium is the operation I had causing damage to the parathyroid. I am unsure of whether the high calcium might have been a problem for some time because I have osteopina and passed a kidney stone a year ago, and for some time before my operation have arrhythmia and tachicardia. A naturopath I saw about 5 years ago told me I had calcium in my urine, but my doctor did not at the time find this credible. I am 72 years old and quite fit, and not at all overweight. My aneurysm seems to have been genetic, my paternal grandparents died suddenly and the cause given at the time was hardening of the arteries and my father was operated on for an aortic aneurysm at my present age. My GP, despite my family history was very resistant to sending me for an ultra sound even though
two of my brothers as well have serious heart problems. When finally, following a visit to the CHU Hotel Dieu in feb. /15, I insisted on a follow-up, she sent me to a cardiologist who in turn ordered an ultra sound. The cardiologist at CHU Hotel Dieu, on seeing the ultra sound sent me immediately to CHU Fleurimont where I stayed and was operated on by Denise Normandin on May 29. I think I was very lucky. Dre. Normandin described it as the biggest she had operated in a person my size. I am afraid to simply leave my health in the hands of my GP who is semi-retired. I feel I must inform myself and I am aware that good endocrinologists are
in short supply in Quebec. Can you advise me?