Engaged in sexual activity late Friday night, woke up with a burning sensation in the vagina and burning when urinating (no more than 5 hours after tried sexual activity). Saturday night felt off. Couldn't eat and went to bed fairly early. Monday I felt like I had the flu...achy, headache, lower back pain. It burned when I urinated and felt soreness in my vagina area. Tuesday went to a clinic- diagnosed with a UTI and given antibiotics. Wednesday still burning and pain. Pain in the uretha when I even walked (felt like something was inside me...or inserted wrong) very uncomfortable. Wednesday the antibiotics did not feel like they had numbed my symptoms. There are no bumps, no sores, no wounds to be found. I head to my doctor Thursday- says I am def. swollen and inflamed. Thinks it might be herpes???! Perscribes me Valtrex. I'm on day 3 of Valtrex and still on the antibiotic from Tuesday. I can urinate now without much burning...but the pain along my uretha is still present. Very much so. The last 2 days I have noticed an increase of discharge as well. Water, no smell, no chunks. Clear, lightly yellow, nothing too out of the ordinary- except for the amount. I have to wear santitary pads because there is that much leakage. Yesterday I had the urge to urinate every other minute. Weirdly enough, it's just the discomforts on the one side of my uretha. When I look at myself, I feel like it's bruised to pushes over to the side where I am experiencing pain. I am paranoid this is herpes. I don't sleep around...at all. But yet did for whatever reason engage in sexual activity with someone new on Fruday. Do you feel this is herpes? I have had friends who are doctors thinking its a really bad UTI or vaginal bacteria (swam all weekend in public pools w bars and people who rarely get out...so gosh knows what is in the water) sitting in a wet bathingsuit...drinking all weekend. Just hoping to know when any type of pain tried will happen- whether it turns out to be herpes or not.