Experienced symptoms of acid reflux from stomach mostly at night, lump in throat at night times that gets relieved to some extent after burping but no noticeable heart burn. Started taking nexium( esomeprazole 20mg). Tested positive for H.pylori infection and was treated with antibiotics and nexium. After treatment, stool test came out negative for H-Pylori. During the last week of meds, developed sinus infection and nasal congestion with ear drums filled with mucus( as reported by nurse). Nasal drip reduced in 3-4 days but nasal congestion continues for the last 2-3 days now, no sore throat but some kind of tenderness in nose-ear- throat track. However, the lump in throat symptoms worsened - I now experience it before and after breakfast, late afternoon and before and after dinner. Burping seems to relieve some of it( when i can finally get to burp). Sensation keeps switching sides randomly. Observing tenderness/pressure below sternum to upper chest area.
Should i continue taking nexium or consult a GI specialist?